4 / 5
5th Jun 2017
6th Jun 2017
The point of this wall is to be difficult to destroy so don't downvote because it's too hard or unfair. If you can destroy it without using anything "cheaty" then I salute you.
wall deut laser city explosion nuclear nuke bomb bunker electronic


  • ErrigorTheFallen
    12th Jun 2017
    I really don't care what people use, so nothing is banned. I can't stop anyone from using it even if it is banned...
  • warlord32
    12th Jun 2017
    No i did not use sing lol i just said you should ban it -.-
  • ErrigorTheFallen
    12th Jun 2017
    @jman005 nice. would you post the id so I can see the bomb in action? you don't have to but I actually tested the original azure lotus and it made it just under halfway through the wall, while mine made it slightly less than that due to having low life gbmb. If I set the life above 1000 like in most azure bombs it may have gone through but I didn't test it.
  • ErrigorTheFallen
    12th Jun 2017
    @warlord32, use sing if you want, use antimatter, use whatever i dont care. It's not rewarding or a challenge however, to use any of the pre-made elements that will destroy anything other than DMND. virus is pointless though as the wall contains soap.
  • jman005
    11th Jun 2017
    Destroyed it using an Azure Lotus Like Bomb:
  • warlord32
    10th Jun 2017
    Ban sing lol
  • ErrigorTheFallen
    9th Jun 2017
    good job.
  • warlord32
    7th Jun 2017
    I kind of did it lol