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think of it as captain america
it would not show you the past, but the future, for it would slow down how fast you expirienced time, so you would be able to see all of your friend as old people when you stay the same age
No, impossible, way to many varibles for random chance to send back any more than a photon. plus, this process takes so long that you would never get an image of earth since it would not have even been created.
Portal, you're right, but it's very difficult to find this configuration, and for very poor images of an early Earth.
@PortalPlayer Exactly
perfectly engineered
Seems people aren't reading the title. "the past" is the past, this isn't about sending messages to the future. Earth reflects light into space, by looking where this sort of configuration would send that light, one could get a picture of the earth that long ago. Theoretically.
It's like a time capsule made of light, a photon image of earth get's transmitted this way, and sent back to us, so that we can read it and see what it was like at that time
Stars are miniscule compared to the vastessness of space, I was reffering to the gravitational effect a star would cause on the light, especally over long distances.
Don't celestial objects move? Also, it is really easy to miss if you make any mistakes in calculation.