11 / 2
19th Jun 2017
25th Nov 2017
choose a side or feel free to create a new faction in comments. comment where abouts you would like to invade or side with maxium of 5-6 teams. i will say who owns which country/faction Make sure you comment all of this ! Credit jan kaszanka
nationwid nationwide biased wargame roleplay hoi4 ww2rpg


  • Hopperz
    1st Oct 2017
    Yes you can Frads! ps: if people remain in active they may be deleted from the game!!!
  • FradsMan
    30th Sep 2017
    Can i be Sweden please?
  • Kike200
    30th Sep 2017
    Nationwides have been extremely inactive and most are restarting or haven't started yet, so I made one where you can join at any point and will always be open. Original Nationwide rules and goal, but i'll be accepting suggestions of any kind.
  • Bossatronn
    28th Sep 2017
    I also begin attacking from my holdings in russia
  • Bossatronn
    28th Sep 2017
    twas renamed boom
  • boomtish214
    28th Sep 2017
    i just wanna corect ya; the ottoman emprie was renamed the republic of turkey after WWI, not the byzantine empire.
  • Hopperz
    28th Sep 2017
    Greece and instanbul rapidly retreat as the overwhelming power of the german and romanian army is to much
  • Bossatronn
    26th Sep 2017
    I send forces to rush to Istandbul while leaving a sufficient amount to hold the russians from the homelands
  • Hopperz
    26th Sep 2017
    In desperate effort to control the balkans germany betray the byzantines and invade greece and surrounding countries requesting assistance off romania
  • Hopperz
    25th Sep 2017
    Huge german defences begin travelling to warsaw in effort to stop the soviet attack. a new type of tank is also under production and is sent to poland