11 / 2
19th Jun 2017
25th Nov 2017
choose a side or feel free to create a new faction in comments. comment where abouts you would like to invade or side with maxium of 5-6 teams. i will say who owns which country/faction Make sure you comment all of this ! Credit jan kaszanka
nationwid nationwide biased wargame roleplay hoi4 ww2rpg


  • Heyman
    24th Sep 2017
    the attack is a failure, but deals heavy damage.
  • Heyman
    24th Sep 2017
    then, millions of russian militias attack, causing massive casualties
  • Bossatronn
    23rd Sep 2017
    I continue fighting northwards, producing more troops to combat the Russians
  • Hopperz
    23rd Sep 2017
    Due to this the germans are forced to retreat back to forces in the ukaine.
  • Heyman
    23rd Sep 2017
    the city is held, as tye ppeople r7ise up and fight tthe germans
  • Hopperz
    21st Sep 2017
    Berlin is in ruins Munich becomes the new capital meanwhile germany begin one final push towards mocow in hopes of winning the war
  • Heyman
    20th Sep 2017
    the weapon is completed, being used on berlin, it flies very high above anti aircraft range, destroying nearly the whole city.
  • Heyman
    20th Sep 2017
    sorry i was away for a bit
  • Hopperz
    15th Sep 2017
    Russia lose lot of ground around crimea as your attack is a success. Germany send the kreigsmarine to the gulf of finland to halt any soviet naval offences
  • Bossatronn
    13th Sep 2017
    I continue pushing northward, and build a prominent airforce to aid my troops