Oh, men, this is the dawning of an age!
Oh wow, thanks. You in, jm211? My saves are decent. Check out my new and improved sub!
(no erasing then placing, no consol) seperate a save's elements using heat, gravity, stor, and other things to make other saves, like making a katana with the metal from a tank. I only made 2 masterpieces on TPT, one was the art long ago, but I quit for awhile after that, and the other was my organism. I love your saves, (*hands TheArchitect a cake, with a note reading "Courtesy of Aperture Science*) Cake immediately vanishes. DARN IT, WHY DO THEY DO THIS???
Thank you, I report alot of saves and do bug reports for jacob1, I really get tired of seeing these common mistakes turn ugly, people accusing others of copying but not reporting or providing save id. I suggested a way to report comments, but jacob is still considering, it, afterall it would probs be hard to code. I make saves when I get inspired, alot of times I manually
Jacob, that is a decent compromise. You may not be the best, but honestly, you try.
12me21, go to hell. Honestly. Nothing in this game is useful. See the word "game" there? It's for fun. Go have some. Make art. Make "useful saves." Quit TPT and do something in life. I don't know. Anything here isn't "useful."
Note that, this is FAR better than how the other moderators used to do it, where all art was entirely not allowed and would be demoted instantly. I started allowing some better looking art on fp. But deco art looks bad on the thumbnails and is almost always removed.