31 / 10
21st Jun 2017
23rd Jun 2017
maybe this is useful


  • jacob1
    22nd Jun 2017
    I can't change the front page formula, I don't have any access to the website. For now, I will continue doing what I do now, which is: art is allowed on fp for a few days at most, and then will probably get demoted. But even then it just depends on how fast I notice the art.
  • TheArchitect
    22nd Jun 2017
    Proposed TPT group: The best debaters and brightest minds, deliberating on rules and driving out trolls. Who's in?
  • 12Me21
    22nd Jun 2017
    You guys are pretty funny. Anyway, I'm going to go do something useful, which I imagine is a foreign concept to some of you.
  • TheArchitect
    22nd Jun 2017
    jm211, you are a good man.
  • jm211
    22nd Jun 2017
    vote up, if not, vote down, but get off your ***es and do one of them. And once you do, go make a save that can knock it off fp instead of complaining. I play this game to relax, and all this no art on fp bs is getting more stressful then my job. I have messaged jacob1 to clear things up for you all. He should be on within 24 hours (I hope)
  • jm211
    22nd Jun 2017
    @Minecrafter777. 1383839 is art on TPT. Should I report it since it is obviously copied from deviantart using CGI? Afterall, all tpt art saves are copied from deviant art, so thats alot of saves for me to report. Remember, A save maker does not decide if it gets fp, neither do comments, if you like it,
  • TheArchitect
    22nd Jun 2017
    What makes a save get FP? Popularity. It's a popularity contest, lads. Art is popular enough, it gets FP. Your heckin ornate contraption isn't- no FP for your sorry ar*e.
  • Deveyer
    22nd Jun 2017
    @minecrafter777 you don't even know what CGI means.
  • jm211
    22nd Jun 2017
    Minecrafter... If they use CGI to steal from deviantart, that takes skills. It would be easier to draw it out then to code conversion from one thing to the other, but I guess it is easier with deco now...
  • TheArchitect
    22nd Jun 2017
    Maybe, since objectivity is the most scientific path, all saves should be anonymous.