29th Jun 2017
16th Jul 2020
Hey, at last, my very first computer. Remeber that everything is my first-gen 'old timey' electronics. So the speed, might be quite... tpt-y :) Please feel free to express your opinion, you can create programs too.
Can you explain what all the parts do?
i dont mean all, but some that have been on FP.
Hey why is this save FP-dying? It's might be a 'just another computer', but more effort is being made here as opposed to some FP saves (not talking about those right now, but all in general)
You could store 1Megabit in 24 stacks of 1500ish (1500=limit you can stack over e-hole) FILT; using 28bits/FILT. However, it would take forever to use because unstacking/using a stack has to be done sequentally. Also it would require more than double area to restack it.
actually to reach 1 Mb of space in powdertoy you would need 274 filt pixels if you use all 30 bits as 1Mb is 1024 Kb and that is 128 bytes and 1 byte is 8 bits and that means you need 8192 bits and if you use all 30 bits and if you do the math (8192 / 30) you get 273,0666.666.666.667 that means 274 pixels because you cant store that 0.0666.666.666.667 in nothing
TOO... COMPLEX... EYES... BURNING... Great job!
@49796346, hey thats what ive been thinking about lately but partly, and when i saw your save i thought, damn, thats some clever ***. The array triggering all PSCNS at once. I thought about it using FILT, but it isnt nearly as effective as yours. Great!
This is impressive,but i understand BASIC only
What is this supposed to do?
aray storage might be a bad idea and rom is rom but its worth a go: ID:2111613 also, pls dont kill me