13 / 0
15th Sep 2017
29th Sep 2017
We **might** probably speed up subframe electronics 2x or more times (depending on size). Just look at the save, and let me what you think about that. Just remember that this concept is still in its infancy, alot of issues are to be resolved.


  • ivel236
    15th Sep 2017
    sub-subframe? Subframe is hard enough :'(
  • LBPHacker
    15th Sep 2017
    What I'm trying to say is that this has already been thought of and... generally deemed too complicated. In my case, it simply goes against one of my design principles so I don't even try :P I'd like to hear SchmolenDevice's opinion on this.
  • LBPHacker
    15th Sep 2017
    This of course violates the design principle of never copying active partcles. The problem with this is that you have to track literally every particle deletion/creation and, in my experience, the time spent with that outweighs the advantages of using this technique.