this is my second reactor
Good.+1 By the way,These rods aren't control rods,they're fuel rods.In the real life,fuel rods can't move,control rods can move,rods down and the temp drops.The turbine isn't in the cooling tower.And the steam generator isn't in the cooling tower is TPT,so never mind
well, irl, if rods were down, temp gets lower and if rods are raised, it gets hotter, but awesome anyway +1
Quite simple, actually. The part that interests me the most is the fact that the temperature has to be ~15 degrees higher than the number on the meter for it to register. ex: Temp: 300.13, the meter says 250. 322.91, the meter turns to 300. +1 for making something simple look cool and for the GLOW cycling system.
Neon I would use graphite not water itd boil
Those are cadmium rods. These are fuel rods. This type of reactor has the rods plunged into nuetron moderating material like carbon or water.
Awesome! Finally something that doesn't just look good, but actually works!!! I wish I could upvote this a million times.