As powder toy can only allow 16 signs on a save. I am working on an page 2.
Oh, and to make my opinion clear: I don't like this, to be honest. It doesn't have many characteristics or distinct uses, besides just being a more destructible insulator (which doesn't sound too good in the whole realm of electronics). And I don't know how deformations in plastic at moderate temperatures would work. In TPT, somethings rather a solid or a liquid (or a gas)
If this save had a dislike for every time Plastic has been suggested, it would have many, many dislikes.
i think youre supposed to make a post on the fourms for element suggestions?
Nice Idea, Good luck also! +1
Man look at the dislikes.
Not anything really new, What NEW would it do? Do it have some properties that arent in TPT yet?
It would insulate as well? Many including me have had this idea. Hopefully this time it's heard by the staff. Good luck 1+