This is my own remake of fameous vault save. In my version there's much more details, working elements and generally more structures. I hope you will like my original version. It's also fully destructable, so have fun!
"remake of fameuos vault save"
Emanuel007: he cant do that, when you change the name or description of the save, it creates a new save instead of changing the existing one
I really like the remake, Vault 1 was one of the most popular saves and you did a damn good job at making it better. I like what you did with the vault entrance it is soo much better than the original and the elevator is a nice toutch. Also i leke the buttons in the top left for interactivity,and the whole save looks better sience the ground is painted.Great job 11/10 "Would play this cuz i cant run Fallout 4 again" -IGN. +1
I will not be happy until you put credit in the description too :)
@dRR I solved the Radnart problem. Check out our server.
@Emanuel007 did you even look at any part of tthe description or save?
@Emanuel007: If you look closer, you will notice "Original save" add.
It's not stealing, stealing would be copying a save and uploading it without changing anything and saying that you built it. +1
you didnt even give credit to the original person, that sucks for someone so talented as you to steal other peoples save
The polonium containment unit leaks protons which detonate the compressed deuterium.