313 / 6
29th Dec 2017
29th Dec 2017
It's a color printer! Using photon stacks and a powerful new single-chamber particle ROM based on the latest particle-order manipulation paradigm.
printer subframe electronics 60hz memory sorcery electronic colors 4096 particle


  • mark2222
    30th Dec 2017
    @DUC That's particle-order manipulation. We delete an INSL, then create a PSTN, so that the PSTN has the INSL's ID and updates accordingly. To make the save reload friendly, we have to move the PSTN's ID back to the INSL. This actually uses less updates than the old PSTN-based technique. Also, lagginess is strongly dominated by other factors anyway. We can discuss this further in PM, if you'd like. @Schmolendevice Thanks! Hopefully you're referring to the particle ROM, not the deco :)
  • DUC
    30th Dec 2017
    And here's the second image this thing prints: id:2230193
  • Schmolendevice
    30th Dec 2017
    Well, this truly is quite something.
  • DUC
    30th Dec 2017
    If I may ask, mark2222, why do you have so many PSTN constructions and deconstruction? It seems that you create a PSTN, extend it, retract it, then destroy it with CRAY. It seems to me that if you don't make it construct and then deconstruct every frame, it would make the process a lot less laggy.
  • NoVIcE
    30th Dec 2017
    It actually resembles my computer when i open photoshop. Also, you can apply HDR to the image, or just some cool effects, if you edit the pallete with deco.
  • eli573
    29th Dec 2017
    Jacob, your old HP printer is only slightly faster than Gutenburg's invention a few centuries ago. V
  • jacob1
    29th Dec 2017
    This prints faster than my old HP printer
  • eli573
    29th Dec 2017
    This apparatus's obvious similarity with my old HP 100LX's image handling alongside a Nokia 14.4k cell-modem might be the causation of my uncanny ability to wait for these images to load. Wonderful save, three was my favorite, already voted up, and I'm sorry for my attempt to English.
  • mark2222
    29th Dec 2017
    @motaywo Thanks! @ludapecurka123 @awu15 And me! D:
  • ludapecurka123
    29th Dec 2017
    @awu15, doesnt help to people who dont have good pcs, like maybe.. me