160 / 4
5th Jan 2018
17th Sep 2018
First of a series of subframe tutorials. This aims to be a gentler and more interactive introduction than LBPHacker's preliminaries save.
subframe electronics tutorial 60hz guide lesson electronic useful dangthatshard thisissogood


  • Im_ygy
    19th Sep 2018
    @lamypfu I've played the game for 7 years but I hab=ve learnt subframe for only months,And I learnt it really fast.[del]and be on fp[\del]I think you are rignt.Noobs that havn't been known for basical useful electronics need not learn subframe.The order manip applies to everything.from basical clne to photons.But subframe is much more than orders.It's about what powder is and how it works.Normal circuit fgreatly improves the feeling of basical non-sub thing.And is important for everyone.
  • mark2222
    17th Sep 2018
    @lm_ygy That's correct. Good catch, and thanks for reporting!
  • Im_ygy
    17th Sep 2018
    Well maybe there's something outdated in the save.Cause particles updates from #0 instead of #1.Hope for fixing:-)
  • Garuda
    25th Jul 2018
    I get this!
  • lamyipfu
    13th Jan 2018
    People may think that only solid sprk can improve the efficiency of a circuit, but once-per-8-frm electronics shows that order-manip is far more powerful than what it seems and can even apply to normal non-conv-electronics. It is good that beginner only know sld-spk and learn subframe-related concepts with sld-spk so as not to shift focus. But as they go deeper, realizing what they learn can applies to normal circuit will grant them the flexibility in using the concept.
  • mark2222
    12th Jan 2018
    @R33sesK1ng Yeah, this save is just the beginning of a long series of tutorial saves (the second one has been released!). It's not expected that this lesson would have given you enough knowledge to make interesting subframe electronics. Rather, it provides background for future lessons, which should give you the tools to reverse-engineer, learn from and better appreciate other subframe saves, eventually enabling you to make your own.
  • G-LinuxorU
    12th Jan 2018
    This is the first device I've ever seen that had an output once per frame. id:1256956 [Jul 2013] I'm not afraid to call it subframe, even though it only comes together as subframe in the final result.
  • R33sesK1ng
    12th Jan 2018
    I feel I will need more guidance, as I am not what you would call the "engineering type."
  • R33sesK1ng
    12th Jan 2018
    I don't know much about electronics generally in order to utilize this save as any type new knowledge to my already "large" amount of knowldge (which I do not have.) I merely think of this save as helpful in the sense that I can use it for future knowledge (for more complex saves), and that I want to begin testing with it, having figured out the basics.
  • mark2222
    11th Jan 2018
    @lamyipfu The trouble with categorization is that it threatens to limit one's horizons. In practice, subframe is more like a collection of tools that can be used in any combination. We already have names for individual tools - solid SPRK, column design, particle-order manipulation, etc. From a branding perspective, though, I feel uncomfortable calling 8-frame-throughput electronics subframe - it makes subframe seem less powerful than it really is and would be confusing to beginners.