94 / 16
17th Jan 2018
12th Jul 2018
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evolution greatjob theory proven reality biology creature animal destructable onlytheory


    22nd Jan 2018
    Simon_knizev I'm in your side dude.
  • Simon_knizev
    22nd Jan 2018
    R33sesK1ng, fu*king shut your fu*king mouth please
  • R33sesK1ng
    22nd Jan 2018
    @PortalPlayer evolution is something that might offend many people. although it does not offend me, it does not make sense to me. this serves no other purpose than it's comment section
  • PortalPlayer
    22nd Jan 2018
    It is a sad world indeed, where one can't make the simplest thing like this without sparking a huge "debate" over nothing.
  • R33sesK1ng
    21st Jan 2018
    is somehow controlled by random chance. When something occurs is entirely different.
  • R33sesK1ng
    21st Jan 2018
    However, @TheNik, you require that "these numbers" must account for "when and where" this process occurs. Where it occurs is unspecified in the theory of evolution, given that the cell has SOMEHOW formed in an impossibly hostile environment, it is hard to say. My figures only work in a universe that is, for some reason, billions/trillions of years old. They only describe the chances for something to happen in a universe where every INTRICATELY CREATED thing ...
  • R33sesK1ng
    21st Jan 2018
    HOW it interacts with the first object does not matter, because there are only so many things it can do to affect the first object. If it happens, then it will be classified as ONE chance out of all other opportunities. Given that a timeline is very important in this issue, it will be without saying that the amount of chances of anything to happen will SOMEHOW affect the first object. You must consider that if the wrong things happen during the formation of a cell, then all else fails.
  • R33sesK1ng
    21st Jan 2018
    multi-step event*
  • R33sesK1ng
    21st Jan 2018
    ... something will happen and when it will happen. For example, a given multi-step must occur within a certain timeline and the chance for said event to occur in its first step is 1 in 8. There are only so many conditions to allow for the first step to take place and actually succeed. A chance would mean that if ONE thing interacts with the first thing enough to make the first event occur, then that is ONE chance out of all of the finite chances given in one area, in one timeline.
  • TheNik
    21st Jan 2018
    "The chance for a cell to be formed" cannot be quantified with a simple number. You say that the cell has a 1/10^190 chance to form and thus, a 1 - 1/10^190 chance /not/ to form. This assumes you have a bounded place and time where it may or may not form. And those are things your number lacks: Where and when does a cell have this chance of formation? And finally, I have never seen such figures, and I seriously doubt their quality. It would be helpful if you could state a source for your number.