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17th Jan 2018
12th Jul 2018
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evolution greatjob theory proven reality biology creature animal destructable onlytheory


  • R33sesK1ng
    21st Jan 2018
    for ANY given reason is 10^190; and that's according to the "scientific research" done by evolutionists. The contradicting detail in evolution and the big-bang, regarding this, however, is that the universe would need to be older for these chances to even exist, otherwise it cuts down to 10^150, which is WAAAAAAAYY less time than ONE cell needs to actually be finished with construction within the lifespan of the universe. Now, there is a HUGE difference between the chance that ...
  • R33sesK1ng
    21st Jan 2018
    to that rubber ball, however, that means that there would be more ways (uncountable) for more things (uncountable) to interact with the ball. But in reality, there aren't. Only a COUNTABLE amount of things can happen to the ball at any given moment, within a given time span (i.e. within it's entire existance). So, when the universe was created a cell would need to be given the specific conditions for being created and for life to occur. The chance for a cell to be constructed ...
  • R33sesK1ng
    21st Jan 2018
    The properties of any given thing to exist can only allow said particle to do so many things. If I had a ball, there are many, many, many things that could happen to it, but an infinite amount of thing CANNOT happen to it, because the laws of physics says that a rubber ball can bounce, be blown-up by C-4 and everything in the universe will interact to that rubber ball either chemically, radioactively, or physically. If an infinite amount of things could happen ...
  • R33sesK1ng
    21st Jan 2018
    you could count everything that exists. You could count all the atoms (and all the opposite, antimatter particles) electrons, protons, neutrons, gluons, muons, tau particles, photons, neutrinos, and every particle that exists and HAS existed and you will eventually, after a very long time, come to a COUNTABLE number (a FINITE number). Everything in the universe cannot perform an infinite (uncountable; endless) amount of tasks.
  • R33sesK1ng
    21st Jan 2018
    @jm211, Let me explain the basics of random chance in a way you may understand; despite me explicit wording, you do not yet understand. I am aware of the fact that anything could happen. There is a problem with the way you interpret this, though: it is that you think there are an infinite amount of things that can happen at an infinite amount of given moments. There is not an infinite amount of things in the universe. If you couldn't die from anything at all (even old age) ...
  • jm211
    21st Jan 2018
    Enceladus, a cold moon of saturn has conditions for life under the ocean, but no life was detected. Does that mean god fd up here, or was it an accident from the infallable creator, or did he just want for fk our minds? Or is all the evidence science presents wrong because of a book
  • jm211
    21st Jan 2018
    galaxys like this, and a billion where there is a tiny difference. A small chance of something is not no chance. So just because it is a headach, infinite is not alot, it is an endless number which means that there are alot of planets like this, just very far apart, and based on statistics, there may be a solar system of them.
  • jm211
    21st Jan 2018
    Also, for all you know, this "intelegent creator" may not be so intelegent, if (S)he can create life, why create a bunch of (S***s) to go around arguing, killing eachother, saying he doesnt exist, saying he does exist in a different form, basically. And you are right, there are probably billions of
  • jm211
    21st Jan 2018
    Also, there is proof that there was evolution, proof of the big bang, proof to very many things, all against what, the mutated bible of a dude who basically just said my father is god. Disprove entire mathematical constructs just so you can think you are right. It hurts to thing we were a little hairy thing, or a slimy sea creature, but atleast they didn't fight over beliefs.
  • jm211
    20th Jan 2018
    just because it is a very small chance of winning, one person will win. This is different for planets. If an infinite amount of planets are created, and each one has a few trillion cointosses, alot will have all heads, and alot will have all tails, just as alot will have a 92:8 ratio