@iamdarkness, I have two points about this: that it's likelyhood makes it out as more of a miracle, rather than just something that happened, and that a cell being able to become formed, given each of the items listed is not infinitely small. If for ANY reason, one of those things happened, it would be one chance out of a finite number, which SHOULD HAVE BEEN 10^150 (a countable number), but ended up requiring the universe to be much older than it is.
all that was said was that you got the terms wrong, which you did, as far as evolution vs creation, who honestly cares why we are the we are, were here, we exist, congradulations.
....and that had what to do with what anyone said exactly? no one mentioned other universes man
Everything was perfectly the way it should be, and when the Earth formed, the conditions for LIFE were oddly specific, aswell. People speculate that our universe was not the first and only universe, but that it was one of many. However, there are some HUGE flaws with such speculation: that it is not necessary that there would be other universes, and that SPECULATION is not scientific observation, and therefore not a confirmed fact of science.
id just ike to point out that a almost zero is not zero, same with the last statement its improable, meaning its very VERY unlikely to happen, not impossible, meaning it cant happen period, also very nice save gutsy to put something like this out, as it attracts these types of comments good job
These figures do not even include the probability of a big-bang, which is almost zero. The force of gravity emitted outwards is so incredibly specifc, otherwise when the bing-bang would occur and such a force was too much or too little, BOOM! No universe. When the universe actually formed, (how it actually happened) it was beautifully artistic -- not in a moder-art sense, either.
... an* ...
which is 1 followed by 130 zeros; that the amino acids need to be in an "L" shape, and they need to be linked by only peptide bonds. So the chance of all these conditions being met is one chance in 10^130 * 10^30 * 10^30 which is 10^190. That's a '1' followed by 190 zeros! THAT'S FOURTY MORE ZEROS THAN OUR ORIGINAL FIGURE! Evolution is literally a mathematical impossibility! Not an IMPROBABILITY, and IMPOSSIBILITY.
This is the only plausible figure, given that it has to happen within the lifetime of the universe, only if it concurs with EVOLUTION. In reality, to consider all of the conditions means to know that a cell has 20 different amino acids involed in biological systems that might be considered as the letters used to write a biological messafe; getting the correct amino acid in the right site is 1:20; forming a chain that is 100 amino acids long (about the amount required to HELP create DNA) ...
For the known universe, the likelyhood that a cell could form (that is, when all of the following is considered: metabolic chains, biomonomers, biopolymers, and conditions in which reactions that the cell needs to live are taking place steadily) is should be at least 10^150, which is a one followed by 150 zeros. To put THIS in perspective, it is more than a googol, which is a one followed by one-hunred zeros.