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17th Jan 2018
12th Jul 2018
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evolution greatjob theory proven reality biology creature animal destructable onlytheory


  • jm211
    19th Jan 2018
    also, are we supposed to belive that a ton of scientists around the world can all reach the same conclusion and it be false, and that instead we should belive a writing that has changed and stuff from one guys message or I am the son of god.
  • jm211
    19th Jan 2018
    @GrimEagle, "@theevilchosenone also if scientists created life, wouldn't that just be proving that you need an intelligent designer to create life?" No, it proves that someone can do something. If I can walk and I wear a blue shirt, does that mean only people with blue shirts can walk, or that a person with a blue shirt was able to walk
  • jm211
    19th Jan 2018
    All this matter being inside it, for seconds or a trillion years, it was a speck of condensed matter, and it became unstable, and exploded. So not nothing, but it came from everything.
  • jm211
    19th Jan 2018
    So before you go and say things came from nothing, nobody said that. A star is belived to have imploded, compressing matter into a black hole, and another star, since it was in very close proximity, (very unlikely to ever happen again) went in, then more, until the gravity well sucked in stellar bodies every minute.
  • jm211
    19th Jan 2018
    come from unliving matter. A few molecules join together, a few more, almost an infinite amount(not endless but unimaginable)of molecules bouncing around, colliding, connecting, spliting, and a few managed to create a single cell organism, which made another, and another, then one mutated, and so on
  • jm211
    19th Jan 2018
    There are fossils that show we evolved, and no, you are right, life cannot exist in a lava ridden planet, atleast not mamalian life. There is life in the underwater volcanos, it lives in extreme temperature. And besides, life did not nessesarly happen while it was still molten, but most likely was evolved in the ocean. And yes, living matter can
  • jm211
    19th Jan 2018
    over, and so really, for all you know, it could all be fake. We interpret the bible to fit what we want. If god created man, why can we not find any other intelegent life, why does he not just instantly put himself in all our minds, he is a god right?
  • jm211
    19th Jan 2018
    If god exists, why did he create man with many flaws, if he really guided us, why would we not all be christian. Honestly, I feel beliving in god is just a way to feel like, oh something bad happened, it must be gods will, or whatever. That book has been edited/rewritten, translated over and
  • Nounoufi
    19th Jan 2018
    yeah if ya want
  • ivel236
    19th Jan 2018
    lol creationists.