What's the "to be continued" about?
@theevilchosenone also if scientists created life, wouldn't that just be proving that you need an intelligent designer to create life?
@theevilchosenone actually they created amino acids. They still havent figured out how to get the amnio acids to link up in a squence specific order to form a protien
The best part of this save is the comments. +1 bud, you earnt it
R33sesK1ng, umm you know that scientist have created life from unliving matter right?
I understand that some people misunderstand the theory of evolution. First there were just molecules, then those molecules formed substances that could copy, then they could find a blot for protection from environmental dangers. Then they mutated, changed, and gradually developed into complex life forms.
bla, da poshle Bu Bce Ha Xyu
Anyways, the second reason why a cell to be on our planet during it's "formation" is impossible is simply because the materials needed in the order required to make ONE cell are extremely specific. E. Coli, a very simple bateria, requires 4,288 genes, just to have working parts (organelle). The most genes that an E. Coli bacteria needs for anything is energy metabolism.