94 / 16
17th Jan 2018
12th Jul 2018
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evolution greatjob theory proven reality biology creature animal destructable onlytheory


  • R33sesK1ng
    19th Jan 2018
    Now, it seems my earlier statements contradicts everything I said, at this point, because I am literally making a collage of paragraphs to prove my point.
  • R33sesK1ng
    19th Jan 2018
    The main problem with this, however, is not that the cell(s) would probably die from the meteor impact, though. It is the fact that even SPECULATING about how ANY cell could get here is wrong! The force of gravity is much, much weaker than the amount of force these smaller fragments of rock and MOLTEN rock, of all things, would have on eachother. Hot things generate pressure in between eachother and they would eventually float AWAY from eachother, rather than come together.
  • R33sesK1ng
    19th Jan 2018
    It could not have formed before the earth was forming under such harsh conditions, as the cell would die almost immediately. There is no possible way that after the heat, anything living would form afterwards, especially given that abiogenesis (which is even recognized as a scientific falsehood by evolutionsits, ironically enough) is impossible. Those who believe in evlotion, however, now say that the first cell(s) came off of a meteor, once all was nice and cool.
  • R33sesK1ng
    19th Jan 2018
    According to evolution, a powerful and destructive explosion somehow created our planet, eons after the exlosion (also from nothing) occured. When the planet was forming under its own gravity, it was incredibly hostile, as virtually everything was molten and/or hot. For something, like a single, simple cell, to form under such harsh conditions is not merely unlikely; it is simply impossible.
  • R33sesK1ng
    19th Jan 2018
    The very statement that everything came from nothing seems far-fetched. It is a scientific fact that abiogenesis is a very incorrect theory of origin of life. Those who believe in evolution, however, although not conciously, do actually believe our existence arised from non-living matter.
  • R33sesK1ng
    19th Jan 2018
    First and foremost, one must take into the consideration genetics. Secondly, the mathematics. Now, one must understand that 'science' is an astronimcal subject, which only delves into evolution and creation as a mostly biological matter. Instead of making very long-winded statements about nothing, or other arguments, I will get straight into WHY exactly I think creation was the point of our existence.
  • R33sesK1ng
    19th Jan 2018
    *... is a complete and utter (I meant to say.)
  • R33sesK1ng
    19th Jan 2018
    "I'm Christian, I find this offensive!" "I'm an atheist, everyone else is a and utter complete retard." I downvoted, because after having looked and opened the save, I wanted to give my two cents. There are many, many, many, many, many, scientific arguments to be made on either side. I will confide, I am a creationist. It takes years upon years of study to understand many of the things that an opinion on such a topic to be constructed.
  • R33sesK1ng
    19th Jan 2018
    consensus isn't fact, but whatever.
  • LegenDUST
    19th Jan 2018
    nice job!