lol sorry the numbers are all weird.
1. I am not a christan, I am an atheist. (I thought my sarcasm was clear) 2. Athesim is not a religion, it is the absence of one. 3. Most christans belive in evolution and the big bang, they just belive god started the reaction and led humans into existance.
The survival of a species is about managing risk. The more you know about the universe, and the more you know about yourself and your own capabilities, the better you can calculate the risk yourself. Was it prophets and mystics who gave us electricity, antibiotics, modern signatation, aerospace science, and digital timepieces? No. It was those who proceeded rationally, building on the work of others to create new wonders."
I got the feeling that the books of science from spore should be referenced here. "What do you believe? And how much are you willing to risk on that belief? Would you risk your existence, and the existence of your species, on a hunch? A whim? The word of a prophet a thousand years dead?"
I can't believe how many science deniers play this game. I have no respect for these poor fools
And here's the end of my tutorial 'How to change comments topic on any save to relligion'. Leave like and comment and don't forget to subscribe my channel.
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