71 / 15
21st Feb 2018
21st Feb 2018
No Description provided.
soup food cans arts warhol beautiful soupstore hungry


  • Technomancer
    22nd Feb 2018
    Absolutely. Both were certainly huge influences in their respective fields, and while Zappa in particular did have moments of genius and produce some outstanding works, I find that in both cases the volume of chaff they produced FAR outweighed the wheat.
  • xmenmax
    22nd Feb 2018
    Technomancer: well, although most of Zappa's works (especially with Beefheart) were pure improvisation, he had some albums e.g. Hot Rats that were really good and listenable for an average person. Same with Andy, he was a very talented artists, but most od his works (especially his movie productions) exceeded than generally accepted, mainstream schemas. No one can deny his huge influence on modern art and music
  • Technomancer
    22nd Feb 2018
    But +1 for making something completely different from the usual FP fare.
  • Technomancer
    22nd Feb 2018
    I've never been too convinced that "art" really applies to Warhol, to me personally it implies a level of skill that he either didn't possess or chose not to employ. It's like calling Frank Zappa a musician - while he certainly possessed some talent, much of his output could be better described as "scripted noise"
  • Yakend
    22nd Feb 2018
    haha we where learning this in art at my school a few days ago
  • xmenmax
    22nd Feb 2018
    Well, the point of this save was to show how easily everything can become an art when there's a context given
  • alex363636
    22nd Feb 2018
    FP is just turning into shitposts now I love it.
  • KungZacharias
    22nd Feb 2018
    People dont understand this is based of real art.
  • Security-Drone
    22nd Feb 2018
    I'm running out of ideas i'm busy painting soup cans. You gotta fake my death, I just can't listen to sitar music anymore.
  • LucasLu
    22nd Feb 2018
    +0 It's too rough