Uses heat shells (might take some time to detonate!)
XD you added a wine glass to the gentleman
Added a HESH shell
to make a gel hesh you can make a small capsule of gel gun and themite and blast it for word with something
i could be thinking of a different type of shell, but I cannot think of any other type that would fit the description...
Kerponaut, on top of that, there have been HESH shells that spray an explosive gel on the enemy tank that explodes shortly after
As far as i know the HESH shell doesnt make a hole in the enemy tank but greates a shock wave trough the armor which meets at the other side and makes the armor burst in pieces that work as sharpnell.
all you need to trigger thermite's reaction is a single pixel of fire, so combine it with the hydrogen's reaction with firework, then you get a huge burst of pressure that sprays the BVBR onto the target and sprays the THRM on it, allowing it to explode
kerponaut, the thermite explodes with a short burst of pressure and it instantly achieves a minimum temperature of 3000. so the thermite not only adds extra force launching the broken vibranium, but it also increases the vibranium' tmp, assisting in the triggering of the process of vibranium's explosion
love it