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13th Apr 2018
13th Apr 2018
Standing at roughly 6 feet tall, the Kaltorian is an organism created as a terror weapon by a long extinct alien race. Since their creator's disappearance, the Kaltorians have gained independence and formed an empire
alien robot weapon kaltorian zombie nurgle33 keke


  • RussianCosmonaut
    13th Apr 2018
    Cool thing! +1
  • NF
    13th Apr 2018
    Ah, thanks.
  • Nurgle33
    13th Apr 2018
    and no they are not AI, they are organics but are designed to derive enrgy directly from electricty for cell functions
  • Nurgle33
    13th Apr 2018
    oh no i havent fot round to doing a save about their history yet, their creators mysteriously dissapeared. being non sentient at the time the Kaltorians didnt notice and made no record of the event. the machines that produces them continued to do so and eventually made mistakes and produces sentient Kaltorians centuries later who modified all later kaltorians to also be sentient. As a result they dont know who created them.
  • NF
    13th Apr 2018
    Not to sound dumb, but are they AI? Sounds like they killed there creator. Just like humans (us), if we don't stop with AI. Terminator explains that and so does 2001: A Space Odessey.
  • NF
    13th Apr 2018
    Lol, I noticed.
  • Nurgle33
    13th Apr 2018
    thats what i was going for
  • NF
    13th Apr 2018
    Weird but good,+1.