yeah, all this is is a fps killer consisting of grav and ehol.
I kind of want to get rid of the concept of "front page", and have more than one page showing recent popular saves, recent bumped saves, and also a way to see older popular saves. People complain way too much because saves that probably don't deserve it get to the single front page, filling up slots.
Sometimes the simple things are greater.
Its not his fault he is on FP. Stop hating.
Demote all the simple saves. Engage all the haters and get this man his position.*insert more music and random unnecessary explosions from bombs** insert rage scream from making a mistake* Fun isnt something someone calls inbalancing the FP. But this heh heh does put a smile on my face.*bunch of people running to their PC* * More music* TPT THE MOVIE. Huh Huh who the hell are you guys*Insert art creaters*
@R33sesK1ng TPT The Movie Trailer: There was an idea. To bring together a group of remarkable people. To see if we could build something more. So that when they saw us. We would create the saves... That they never could.*insert music* In time you would know what it is like to lose. To try so hard to make something good... and not make FP all the same* dramatic music* *insert simple save on FP*. Downvoted. ignored it. On Fp it stays.*Noob arrives and publishes a simple save*
Made in loving memory of FP.