35 / 9
12th Jul 2018
15th May 2019
Thanks arK for your lightwriter. It made creating all this text MUCH easier. A very special thanks to nosomebodies for your help improving this version. Yes it lags, anything I do to make it run better just makes it weaker.
wall indestructible bomb powder game challenge regeneration gravity lensing gravitational


  • TPTbomb
    4th Mar 2019
    Are we allowed to make more than one entry/attempt?
  • TPTbomb
    3rd Mar 2019
    oh ok well ill try again
  • imkira3
    3rd Mar 2019
    Oh man it was sooo close, it drills little gaps in even patterns in my walls, but all are smaller than 50 pixels. Even so, that's a good one, it earned a spot in my notable devices section. It did a fair job of self destructing too
  • TPTbomb
    3rd Mar 2019
    2392538. Not too sure about the self destructing part though.
  • imkira3
    25th Feb 2019
    It didn't destroy it, and it's an infinite reaction. You should read the rules man lol
  • sergik2006
    25th Feb 2019
    2390177. Look, my thing can go through it.
  • imkira3
    24th Feb 2019
    Lol no need to go grammando ^^
  • LeProYasuo
    24th Feb 2019
    im sorry but *plagiarism x.x
  • imkira3
    23rd Feb 2019
    Mhmm sorry but as it turns out, the anti-gravity and regenerating wall (two of the most important parts) lag ALOT and there is just no way around that without making the wall weaker, and THAT is totally out of the question. Besides, anything capable of destroying this will usually do it in 10 seconds or so, lag or no lag.
  • Dovydas
    23rd Feb 2019
    so its kinda bad because its just basicly lag.