35 / 9
12th Jul 2018
15th May 2019
Thanks arK for your lightwriter. It made creating all this text MUCH easier. A very special thanks to nosomebodies for your help improving this version. Yes it lags, anything I do to make it run better just makes it weaker.
wall indestructible bomb powder game challenge regeneration gravity lensing gravitational


  • Dovydas
    23rd Feb 2019
    more like its lag
  • imkira3
    23rd Feb 2019
    Well there you go @nosomebodies :) I know you like my wall, and wanted it without text, so I found a way to make inert GRVT (doesn't affect anything even gravitationally) so now the text is pretty much on a separate plain. Enjoy! :)
  • imkira3
    23rd Feb 2019
    Updated the description. Yes it lags guys, this is supposed to be the strongest wall ever. I can't make it weaker just because of a little lag.
  • imkira3
    22nd Feb 2019
    Still can't find it. What is the save ID?
  • ItsAboutToOofRun
    20th Feb 2019
    3000* (comment too short)
  • imkira3
    20th Feb 2019
    What is the ID? I can't find it lol
  • ItsAboutToOofRun
    19th Feb 2019
    i destroyed it with the "everykiller300"
  • imkira3
    18th Feb 2019
    I just tried it on a few other things too, seems your hellbrick device runs great on an empty screen but if anything gets in it's path it's self destruct sequence gets corrupted most of the time. For example, on destroyable city 5.
  • imkira3
    18th Feb 2019
    h4zardz1 I added your other device, thanks for removing my wall from your stamp. As for this one though, I tried it 5 times against my wall and it never self destructed properly. Since it doesn't reliably meet the self destruction rule yet, (maybe because of the update?) I can't add it to the hall of fame (yet) but it's certainly good enough to make the noteable devices section. Good work! (Maybe solid-SPRK VIRS would work better)
  • h4zardz1
    10th Feb 2019
    2384323. It's placed on the screen exactly where it should break your wall, don't forget to delete the logo (it's not part of the tool).