For people who want to play chess on TPT. No deco needed.
Thank you for the reverts. :-)
white pawn at g3 to h4
By the way, and this may sound weird, but I think I know you in real life just based on the username.
black knight to b3
babbidy babbidy bab
Missed that, game reverted again, hopefully the last time.
1. e4 e5 2. b3 d6 3. a4 Nd7 4. f4 exf4 5. c4 Ngf6 6. Ne2 Nxe4 7. d3 Be7 8. dxe4 Bh4+ 9. g3 f3 10. Nf4 Nc5 11. a5 Bf6 is what I *think* the moves were (PLEASE record them properly), and I think white should still have two knights?
missed a "but" there
Admiral_Awesome: thanks for doing it, moves are numbered by pairs :) i.e. 1. e4 e5 2. b3 d6 etc.
b3 > b4