101 / 5
21st Jul 2018
21st Jul 2018
The DISP56S is made by mark2222. Id: 2305687
nerd blackmasa vlog instantnoodles video platform sharing tptyoutube youtube noodles


  • trettiofem
    24th Jul 2018
    @DayTimer253 i actually recorded the video with my phone
  • archived_account
    24th Jul 2018
    08ohib: its not original, its using player by mark2222 and script + video from YT
  • 08ohib
    24th Jul 2018
    Whoa colour video !!!!
  • Sylvi
    24th Jul 2018
    Diagonal lines add a sort of 'rolling shutter' effect too
  • Sylvi
    24th Jul 2018
    If you sprinkle in or add some random lines of regular FILT through the video data, the video will look like a really old style cassette video recorder with glitchy lines, static, etc.
  • archived_account
    23rd Jul 2018
    hahaha, i spent on my save 10 + 5 mins (writing text and making examples), and soon it will get birthday - 6 days on fp!
  • trettiofem
    23rd Jul 2018
    it feels like a real kick in the face whenever no effort posts make it on to fp. cause ive spent many hours working on saves, only to have them on fp for like a single day (sometimes even less). this however was uploaded 2 days ago and is still going, even though i only spent 5 minutes making it. (that includes recording the video)
  • Scien_Tific
    23rd Jul 2018
    @csavas I agree. My crappy 1 bit screen is still on FP. I think it's now been on FP longer than mark2222's screen that was used in this save, which is ridiculous. And I've made two way better screens than my first one, but they got hardly any attention. I'm guessing all you need is to get one like within ten minutes of creating a save and it's going to get on FP.
  • Matera_the_Mad
    23rd Jul 2018
    I _would_ rather see something original. Or at least a more interesting / entertaining video. No vote either way.
  • csavas
    23rd Jul 2018
    @eCube: FP is dead. Why you ask "Why is this on FP"? Just watch the saves on fp. This save deserves it. +1 (If 2307070 stays on FP for days, then this also needs. Or those INSL-CONDUCTOR lattices.)