(Deco on) Enjoy!
20 A quality grains of salt costs just as much as a full container of D quality salt!
You are right. But if the sponge absorbed to much, you produces less salt. Check my test result: ID:2339372
@Greendragon You don't have to replace the sponge if you let the water pass through it. BTW, I like how it lights up every time one of those precious A Quality grains falls in :D
correction: sponge in life.
With 'D you can get to debug mode and see how much the sponge or gel have absorbed. With gel in Tmp and with sponge in live.
There many options in this game. Maybe soon we will know a another way to extract salt vast.. Thank you!
Cool! I didn't know that! More experimentation is needed. Also, your saves are awesome!
Gel have almost double absorbtion capacity vs sponge. But not infinite. Sponge max 49 per pix. Gel max 100 per pix.
Gel seems to have a near infinite absorbtion capaticity
makes the salt extractor more interesting* whoops