54 / 5
24th Dec 2018
25th Dec 2018
Reads the temp of element in line of sight,shows the read temp and then resets.
cracker1000 heatcamera thermalthing awsomeconcept coolerthancool


  • Cracker1000
    25th Dec 2018
    Sandboxvoid: The snapshot 149 supports temp digitisation.So no need of copying each particle.Tsns reads temp and transfer the data through filt which can then be plotted.But the reason i Don't do it is because it won't work for anyone else who uses stable version.Wait for 94.0.
  • Cracker1000
    25th Dec 2018
    Plasmey_401k: Also it's easy to make it detect if the element is bomb or not.Just change ctype of pstn to BOMB lol
  • Cracker1000
    25th Dec 2018
    Sandboxvoid: Yes. I plan to do it later.It can be modified to make a thermo graph.
  • Plasmey_401k
    25th Dec 2018
    Here's a new quest for you, however unobtainable it is: Program a program to determine weather a thing is a bomb or not, and if it is, don't take its temperature.
  • Sandboxvoid
    25th Dec 2018
    XD I put a layer of diamond under the piston arm then put on a pixel of bomb, it turned the temperature reader into a railgun and +1 btw
  • Sandboxvoid
    25th Dec 2018
    (using inspiration off Novice's comment) could you have it so it copies the heat into a pixel of FILT and pushes it into a row(each pixel is seperated by an empty 1 pixel gap)
  • Cracker1000
    25th Dec 2018
    Update2:Improved speed,Added an auto mode,Now it keep showing the temp untill next reading is taken.
    25th Dec 2018
    oh it just used PSTN to pull a particle, examine it, and recall it.
  • XGEM_Gaming
    25th Dec 2018
    What if it steels a piece of the outer shell of a bomb? XD
  • Matera_the_Mad
    24th Dec 2018
    ack lol