Slow hosted game. Some strategy required When the paladin has low HP, his strenght is boosted. The thief is sneaky. The two colonels have starting allies. The Druid heals and, like the Mage, can use magic items. The outsider can survive in nowhere lands.
What Amulet gives to me?
Sure! Here's the Id of the playable RPG. id:2372195
I will join this. Has not been done before (I might need a helping hand).
Choose your character in the playable version.
Can i be Druid?
Sounds cool
The Thief is no longer available: There's only Colonel-Red and Druid Left.
In the playable game, the classes that are already chosen are Paladin, Colonel-Blue, Mage and Outsider. The classes left are Thief, Colonel-Red and Druid.
You can join even if it has already started.
id:2372195 Here is the Game.