Can I turn the tibear claws into a weapon? If no, can i sell them?
Mage's amulet usually emmits a light as bright as a smal firefly when it is in presence of an unwheilded weapon, but this gem looks to already be powerfull even though nobody is using it. Mage returns at his new friend's habitation for the night. (The veteran's home)
Mage once again has a good talk with the veteran in the morning. At noon, Mage ate a ration of food and then went looking a bit deeper into the dungeon he once began scavenging. In the dungeon, his amulet saved him a couple of times from getting hurt from some of the small traps hidden in this place. At the end of the day, Mage collected a war hammer, six pouches full of gold, but most importantly, a magic gem that the amulet sensed as an abnormaly dangerous item.
I'll search any materials and any weapon
it's by far the priciest weapon Colonel Blue has ever seen but it looks really durable and extremely effective (dangerous).
The merchand tells the price of the staff and it turns out it almost costs all the budget that the Colonel had took with him on his trip. He could affortd it if he used all of his budget. but if he spends more than that amount, he will not have enough money to go beyond another country border.
Cool ask for the price of the staff
The smeltery contained a lot of the same pieces : boots, chainmail suits, torso and head protections and a bunch more uninteresting stuff. Although, when Colonel Blue went though a small gate and entered the second part of the smeltery, there were way more interesting things : magic armors, amulets, gems, relics and a lot more fantastic items and kits.
Colonel asked what it was to the man in charge of the armory and the man answered : "It launches little beeds at an incredible speed using air. When you are walking, the air is captured into a small chamber inside the object but it cannot escape until you release the trigger, the force caused by the compressed air leaving the chamber will launch the beeds. It refills over time, but it is faster when you force the air into it, just like when waking with it"
In the third armory, Colonel Blue saw a lot of range based dangerous items including : bows, crossbows, spears and an odd object that had the shape of a staff but didn't look like it was magical.