V1.3.3 Update addtions : Structures now have a "Known" state. Temples. Dungeons stats are now structures stats. (For more info about the game, ask in the comment section.)
I hhave to go in class now, I'll host the game during the launch.
I can't move your characters in-game right now because I don't have a computer nearby. I can still host the game during some parts of the day.
Move to 5.
Yes, the paladin starts in the center because he has a lot of wealth. he lives in the big cities.
@AraiKuma , umm paladin is in center? im just dont understand lol
It's not a team, it's a character. Colonel-Red is currently living in highly militarised zone. there are no trees nearby. Ima have to sleep now tho, so I can't add any player right now.
ill join red team and move to a nearby tree to cut
Yep .
Quebec time right?
Alright, It's done. You can read the chat lower to understand the game a little better if you want. it might really be helpfull.