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Hmm, I'm thinking just maybe formally defining "computer" on TPT. But, that might cause some other problems of its own.
Perhaps, 'computational device' can be used.
Though the 'processor' itself is still computationally universal. I think a new term would be better.
im not sure if tpt can provide enough space for enough memory for a wwld rule110 "computer" to run the fibonacci sequence
Well, I don't think we should redefine Turing Complete; it's a real, established term. Perhaps we should make a new term?
for example of course the classic fibonacci sequence
maybe we can come up with a set of programs and machines that can run these programs are turing complete
poodiepie: yeah exactly, so that's why we need to redefine turing complete in tpt
Well heck. What's the point of any of these complex processors when you can just make a 110 thing out of some WWLD?
well,any machine that can simulate rule 110 is turing complete for sure,though with finite memory.