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Also, @allenxch, I replied to your message.
@R33sesK1ng Yeah, probably. On the -D28s, I opted to remove the Adder and Program Counter and replaced them with simpler logic systems that are more compact if made with FILT instead of analog. You wanna see?
@unnick In order for something to be truly Turing-Complete, it must be able to compute any computable sequence. But, in order to compute -any- computable sequence, a machine must have unlimited memory. It's kind'a a thing to ignore the limitations of finite memory when classifying a machine as Turing-complete or not.
@Bejjamin_C_2007 Yeah, NoVIcE is right.
@poodiepie, I would imagine these are very simple because of tbe amount of FILT logic in use...
@benj...07 surface area would be more correct
how can it be turing-complete when it only has read only memory and a few registers?
There is no such thing as volume in tpt
wow,how long does it take to make one of those? i just cant believe u finished another one in just three days!
>Just completed a smaller one; the A7/28D28. Testing it rn; needs an example program.