One piece it is...
@thepizzaeater1000 F
One time I was trying to land on Eve but when parachuting down the game decided it would be fun to accelerate me downwards to like 33km/s. I also may have kinda not quicksaved at all across the whole mission.
I play on Xbox One
hey zillaplays thers a mod that can add a galaxy to ksp
watch yo pofamniteh
And another time, a prototype drone cargo jet went missing, and it re-appeared 1 month later (in real time). If you think that's strange, well.... it appeared at the edge of the solar system.
hey mankia you are
oh shoot i hit downvote
asteroid smol >:[
Jeb's retort: Well? Let's see you get in a rocket that is half @&$ed and spend 8 months chasing down a rock in space hoping that the NERVA's reactors don't leak and that there's enough coolant packed in this piece of &#$% to keep the reactors from melting. Oh that's right you don't fly, just a control room kerbal. Coward.