26 / 9
25th Jan 2019
20th Jun 2019
Please test your bombs and comment if you beat it!
azure bomb wall test stickman explosion


  • East_Europe3339
    23rd Dec 2019
    yeah next. hes a jerk. I got a dislike!
  • Nunnhem
    31st Oct 2019
  • NEXT
    22nd Jul 2019
    I wonder why nun has to be so rude.... Always.
  • biohazard6660
    6th Jul 2019
    spareme is right
  • spareme
    4th Jul 2019
    nunnhem is right
  • Nunnhem
    2nd Jul 2019
    I made a bomb that nearly triples*
  • Nunnhem
    2nd Jul 2019
    @nosomebodies "alot of warp", my ass. I made a bomb that nerly reiples that peice of s**t in warp count and fails to get past the anar. If you look closely at the other bomb, warp teleports through the anar layer AND the eqve layer at the same time, under the same conditions. This makes absolutely no sense and renders any wall of this style completely useless, which is why i am no longer adding any more bombs to the "respected winners"
  • nosomebodies
    2nd Jul 2019
    Nunnhem: I believe you are wrong. It beats the wall because it uses a lot of WARP (in this case, as EXOT about to explode). Azure bombs do not work against this wall, as it has nothing to almost nothing meltable, and lots of semi-indestructible elements, so everything you can (and have) to do is to create a lot of WARP.
  • Nunnhem
    28th Jun 2019
    im not adding it because of the lack of effort. the only reason that bomb beats the wall is because it uses the right ammount of gbmb. Sure it beats the wall, but in the most disrespectful- ass eating way.
  • Jimmyfriend
    28th Jun 2019
    Actually, here's a much better save. id:2438104