26 / 9
25th Jan 2019
20th Jun 2019
Please test your bombs and comment if you beat it!
azure bomb wall test stickman explosion


  • Nunnhem
    2nd Feb 2019
    There, i have updated the wording.
  • Merith
    2nd Feb 2019
    oh, and i have a save of the map incase you change it to say something else
  • Merith
    2nd Feb 2019
    well, the rule is up to interpetation, how you have it worded, is that ANYTHING goes as long as it does not destroy that switch that is currently on the map, To prove my point, with how you have it worded, i could drop a single bit of VIRS right above the Wall above the bunker (have tested this) and it would be acceptable
  • Nunnhem
    1st Feb 2019
    cray is 100% capable of destroying anything other than dmnd. When i say "anything that destroys the swch" i mean anything that is capable of destroying swch.
  • Merith
    1st Feb 2019
    so, Might wanna update the save with all of these "Rules". the only rules i saw was "ANything that destroys the switch is banned, except warp. LIGH is not allowed, and must take less than 10k frames to beat." Nothing about any of the other rules
  • Merith
    1st Feb 2019
    @Nunnhem not listed in the rules, sorry mate
  • Axei
    30th Jan 2019
    Hey guys! I finally finishing making my indestrucible wall!!! Just be careful when using all of these banned elements, they might break the wall...
  • paradoxalpha823
    28th Jan 2019
    All the times I have run my save, it beat it in less than 10,000 frames
  • Nunnhem
    28th Jan 2019
    @XGEM_Gaming i reccomend checking out this wall: id:2378199
  • XGEM_Gaming
    27th Jan 2019
    Rlly :( every single bomb that beat it is an azure bomb, and I suck at azure bombs.