3 moves at once only, food can only be built near sources of food(rivers forests etc) Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
The prisoners are released
i decide to show mercy and release them but have them shadowed by a hunter just in case
They do say that he might be somewhere in the extreme east of your territory, perhaps even outside the borders, in unclaimed lands
thedragonsfire11 They say that they do not know, when rumor reached them about your policy change, they panicked and all went their separate ways to hide
i offer a reduced sentence for his location
player4444 The initial tests on the vehicle have been minor successes, but the mechanism can still be perfected
They say that they did not know what the outcome of their ideals would be, they say that the 4th leader urged them into rising against you
A member of the Cabanan Senate recommended a faster way of travelling the deserts. Some sort of sled with a sail that uses the desert winds to push the craft foward. As a result, the contraption begins testing and the Cabanan Transportation Administration was created.
i offer to hear their reasoning for mercy
thedragonsfire11 They beg for mercy