3 moves at once only, food can only be built near sources of food(rivers forests etc) Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
i order explosives to be placed where the giants are advancing and for the areas to be pulled back
Our troops open fire on the advancing giants, 3 giants are down, the other 6 have reached the artillery pieces, and are destroying the cannons and ballistas, the gun crews have pulled back to secondary positions to fire at the giants
i also order any small arms to be fired at the eyes of the giants so as to blind and weaken them
i order all cannons and catapults be fired
A huge snowstorm coldfront has brewed up in my northern tip territories, 10 of my ships have been destroyed
FlappyPenguin_ Just reminder so you don't lose the last message: Yes you may join all i need is ur capital coordinates and your nation's name
9 Giants emerge from the lake and engage our positions, the men are afraid but hold their ground
thedragonsfire11 I mirror your orders to my troops
I'll send 4 ships to discover lands across the southern shore
i also send 20 shpis down the west coast to make contact with zuria