3 moves at once only, food can only be built near sources of food(rivers forests etc) Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
Ok so does every1 agree?
You can have the rest of the territory.
I get the plains too. If not, then no deal.
ID:2388896 Details for compromise.
Only if you allow me own the small jungle to juland's south, theres only one port there.
I'll await Cabana's response
NuttyMcNuttzz Your response?
NuttyMcNuttzz I will now give MY terms: I keep the west side of the river, you can have the mudlands down south east. and I cease all hostilities and expansion in the North World
I see, sounds reasonable, soslord, what do you think?