3 moves at once only, food can only be built near sources of food(rivers forests etc) Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
I begin building nuclear silos, create nuclear missiles using ion engines, and creating nuclear plants to produce warheads.
I send the plans for the bunkers to all NWT members.
I also begin implementing city wide bunker systems in all cities.
I begin building the self sustaining bunkers from the plauge era but underground and protection from fall out.
The U.F.R recognises Zuria as a nuclear threat. I begin construction of 6 nuclear power plants and two nuclear weapons factories.
NWT EMERGENCY: Zuria is researching nuclear weaponry, vote to make an act that allows nuclear weaponry when the treaty is threatened by such actions by other countries.
I train 10000 troops, begin building security sectors on my border with Zuria, create forts, begin training excercises, and set up defensive positions.
NWT ALERT: Zuria has become hostile, and has began conspiring with the enemy.
I'll invest in thermobaric weapons as conventional analogue of nuclear weapons
Zurian message to Jutland: We have common enemies, how about to make an alliance?