I want to create a secret police, but I have no idea for names(other than historical jokes)
The plague creeps further inland, most nomadic tribes have been wiped out, the rats eat their corpses, and transport the plague toward civilization
I send officers to calm the people down and researchers to check the people to reassure them. The Cananan Policing Order is on high alert with assistance from the military.
i tell my citizens that all will be fine as long as they stay inside our borders, i also order a barricade to be built on my east front
Latin for "From the deserts to the stars"
My motto is long live the republic
I calm the people and send them in waves. Women and children first
The public is in panic, my people are moving north en masse, Nutty's people are attempting to mass migrate to the Island, which is putting pressure on the economy, Cabana has vagrants roaming the jungles and robbing citizens during the lockdown, and Vulcana's citizens are just plainly scared out of their wits
As far as I know, some people have LMGs, artillery, sub machine guns, or rifles.