3 moves at once only, food can only be built near sources of food(rivers forests etc) Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
Also, Vulcana, are we still doing the trade treaty?
i keep expanding down to zurias borders
A scientist from the Cabanan capital has discovered a way to make a new material. It is called glass, it can be made by taking sand and melting it in a furnace, similar to a blacksmith.
I order two fortress ports to be built to protect the coast from pirates, and i have some ships moved to defend the coast
NuttyMcNuttzz Your forest frontier has completely been colonized, all that stands in your way is the desert
player4444 Your public morale is surprisingly high, you are the first successful desert nation, your population is fascinated with how you were able to sustain the country in such a hostile land
NuttyMcNuttzz Your ships have been completed, however, the construction has depleted your forest area, deforestation is becoming an issue
That's what I was going to do, 300 in the north and 300 in the south. They would attack at the same time.
The Cabanan National Anthem is created.