3 moves at once only, food can only be built near sources of food(rivers forests etc) Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
Plague is coming to these lands, it will begin on a random spot on the map, and will spread depending on several factors
i send a messenger to cabana telling them that if they want tensions removed they are to remove their troops as i initially asked of them
thedragonsfire11 All orders are carried out
i order a close watch kept on the mountain, people who appear to have the plague monitered, and 1000 troops from the south to be put on our southern border
So far they say Cabana is the primary concern, as initial relations with Cabana have been tense. But other threats include pirate landings, one of the mountains which has been confirmed volcanically active, and plague, which seems to be creeping upon this part of the world slowly
i ask my advisors what our biggest threats are if any
thedragonsfire11 Your researchers look back in history to see what can be improved
i begin working on better heavy arms technology
thedragonsfire11 Your borders to the south are locked down, nobody is allowed to leave or enter
i close off my border with cabana under suspicions