3 moves at once only, food can only be built near sources of food(rivers forests etc) Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
did they take any arms with them?
thedragonsfire11 You and your advisers speculate that it could be gators,
that doesnt sound like gators
REPORT P2: 4 Days into the swamps, colonials Raith, Thomas, and Jonathan have gone missing
could it be gators?
REPORT: We pushed further into the swamplands, for a few days everything was fine, except we encountered no life other than insects and tree animals. Our members have seen movement below the swamp water, but they believe it might be their imagination.
let me hear it
thedragonsfire11 Your second report from your island colonials has come in
i train 1000 more troops to make up for losses in the revolt and order the bodies of our fallen to be buried in milltary graveyards
once they are trained, I will merge my entire army into 2 legions, each with 5000