Seems like somebody just had to tell those poeple how it really is :P
XD The amount of trash bomb saves seems to have actually gone down since u made this
"stop making shitty bombs", better say them to stop making shitty saves.
I don't mind them testing the game, I mind them posting it.
This isnt really a problem you can "fix" neither is it really worth fixing
god, would you quit whining? Are you really this upset about new players trying the game?
Most of bombs is always shitty :D
Shitty bombs are simply that smallest little bit more shitty though.
shitty bombs are no worse than shitty walls, shitty art and shitty saves in general
Problem is the mods can't go through everything that comes out every hour, there are simply too many saves to be checked for merit. This problem can only be solved by those who created such an issue