Still in development.Starting at 1700 AD.This is an alternate reality based nationwide.Create a country and develop it. The borders are just there for reference, they have no relevance.You start small to be fair to all. Credit to Avi_ for the map.
So instead of 1 man building 100 yards of fence, 2 men will each build 50 yards
To make up the loss of funding from tax cuts, increase work hours to an 8 hour work time, and divide labor to double the amount of workforce in my country.
Take my leader and go on a nationwide campaign of encouragement for my people. Announce 1 year of taxes cut in half as a consequence of hard work on bulding the navy, roads, infrastructure, and cities.
Also put some cavalry divisions towards the south of the mainland
On the mainland
Lol my territory literally looks like the holy Roman Empire
Begin building 30 ships, 10 for each port
NuttyMcNuttzz Alright replace the claymores with rifles with increased caliber size
The ones in Italy or on mainland?
Push the divisions along my Adriatic Coast south towards the border