Still in development.Starting at 1700 AD.This is an alternate reality based nationwide.Create a country and develop it. The borders are just there for reference, they have no relevance.You start small to be fair to all. Credit to Avi_ for the map.
Newly discovered technology: rifles. They are now standard issue weaponry in the U.F.R
And increase the wages of my officers, tell them that with every victory, their pay will increase.
Also, in deeper Prussian territory, begin training a special division of 10000 soldiers. These soldiers recieve double the training and double the pay. They are to be trained with equipment weighing 3 times the average weight of infantry equipment. Thicken their armor with steel plates over chainmail, and issue them Claymore swords 5 feet long. Train them for intense fighting and bearing immense weight while doing so.
Emphasize the fact that if they integrate into Prussia, they get protection from outside forces seeking to steal their riches
I request that they become a vassal state of Prussia, and in return for annexation, I will impose no additional laws or policies in their land, the only change I make will be the allowance of Prussian troops to move in and out of Switzerland, as well as the authority to levy emergency funds from the Swiss people if absolutely needed.
Your men discover that Switzerland is inhabited by VERY rich people. Who offer you financial support and in return you let them be
And move my cavalry division in the center of my territory to support my division currently stationed in France
Now move my 2nd division in the northern border south, and enter Switzerland - Carefully
Train 4000 troops, send 2000 into Hungary,and 2000 into Austria