23 / 2
12th Mar 2019
17th Aug 2019
Still in development.Starting at 1700 AD.This is an alternate reality based nationwide.Create a country and develop it. The borders are just there for reference, they have no relevance.You start small to be fair to all. Credit to Avi_ for the map.


  • MinecraftTranquility
    7th Apr 2019
    Also, I would like to disband ownership of my 10 warships and put them up for whoever wants to buy them. The money will help me fund my projects
  • MinecraftTranquility
    7th Apr 2019
    I would like to begin training 7000 soldiers, once they are fully trained, form up my total army into 2 groups of 5000. Develop my mining and fossil fuel industry. I want 70% of all oil and iron supplies stored, and the rest goes into my army building and infrastructure
  • NuttyMcNuttzz
    7th Apr 2019
    Yes you are
  • MinecraftTranquility
    6th Apr 2019
    Just to confirm, am I the white territory?
  • General_of_the_world
    6th Apr 2019
    Sorry but an Empire can only be "Holy" if it has lands next to the pope and protect the papal states and plus you need to be Catholic.
  • MinecraftTranquility
    5th Apr 2019
    FlappyPenguin_ Gladly, I accept the alliance
  • DmitSquid
    5th Apr 2019
    I'll expand Italian lands northwards
  • FlappyPenguin_
    5th Apr 2019
    I would like to forge an alliance with the Prussian Federation
  • MinecraftTranquility
    4th Apr 2019
    Alright, allow me to rename myself as The Prussian Federation
  • NuttyMcNuttzz
    4th Apr 2019
    Alright. You are now the Holy Empire. You can change names if you want